Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Commentary #2

The author of this post and I seem to be on the same track; regarding President Obama’s decision of deploying an additional 30,000 troops to Afghanistan. This post has a lot of detailed information of the war strategy. Therefore it gives the reader a clear idea of what is expected to be accomplished. The strategies primary focus is send more troops so we can partner with the Afghan people and create a secure government, and defeat Al Queda.

The author stated “Poppies are the largest crop grown by the Afghan people. This war is very different from others the United States and NATO forces have been involved in.” So is the author trying to state that this is a drug war? Overall the author did a well job on this commentary. The flow of the post meshed well all together, it made it interesting to read. However I wish that the author would have made an argument or a statement of their opinions of the new war strategy.

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