Friday, November 20, 2009

I agree with my fellow colleague Kosi. The war with Afghanistan has been going on for years now. But she forgot to mention the invasion on Iraq as well. However she makes her point clear that “we should be focusing on better things, like bringing the troops back”. She is right about the war; it is hurting a lot of people. But it’s not only hurting people and their families, it’s hurting our economy. The US is spending millions if not billions of dollars to fund a senseless war, and it’s not a wise decision in my opinion. Especially if we are in a recession. Kosi stated “Instead of putting time and money into the war, we should be focusing more on other things like global warming and things that matter”. The writer is confident and supports her view with prime examples that are vital for our society. I couldn’t have said it better myself; we should focus more on the economy, healthcare, and global warming. In conclusion she ends her commentary by “we need to do something about it; we have to come up with a plan to stop the war”. I agree that we need do to something about it and come up with a plan so the war will end. But it’s better said than actually done.

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