Thursday, September 17, 2009

Excel in life

Controversy swirled across the nation on President Obama’s speech to students. The president highly encouraged students to take responsibility for not only their education but for their future too. Many conservatives say that the president was overstepping boundaries, and it was an act to boost his political agenda. When the fact is he didn’t mention anything related to politics. Some of the speech even consisted of his own personal education experiences. There were even some parents that kept their children home the day of the speech. It amazes me that some people are so arrogant and naïve. I understand that everyone has their own opinion when it comes to politics, and not everyone may like our president. But they should set aside their differences and focus on the purpose of this speech which is for students to excel in their education. The article is worth reading because the speech doesn’t just apply to students K-12, it applies to us college students as well. That’s why I would encourage you to watch the speech or read the article. We all can make a difference in this world if we all set our minds to it.

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